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尼泊尔签证可以自己办理的,很好申请的,具体情况查看下面的内容: 下面一段内容是尼泊尔驻华使馆的内容: http://www.nepalembassy.org.cn/visa_inf.php Where to apply for a tourist visa? a. Individual applicant should apply in person at the Embassy in Beijing or at the consulates in Lhasa, Hong Kong, Shanghai or any diplomatic mission of Nepal abroad. b. Tourist visa for Nepal can also be applied through travel agencies authorized by the China National Tourism Administration (CNTA) to operate overseas travel. c . Chinese nationals are eligible to obtain on-arrival visa at authorized entry points including the International Airport in Kathmandu. This provision also applies to Mongolia and DPRK nationals. (Note: Although Chinese nationals can get on-arrival visa in Nepal, the Embassy advises them to apply for visa at the Embassy or the Counsulates in order to avoid unnecessary hassles at the time of departure.) Required documents:申请尼泊尔签证所需资料: a. Passport with at least 6 months of validity on the application date A.护照-有效期超过6个月。 b. Completed visa application form (Can be downloaded.) B.尼泊尔签证申请表 c. One passport size photograph affixed to the form C.一张照片(2寸) d. Birth certificate (for children under the age of 10 years) D.10岁以下儿童需要提供出生证明。 Tourist visa fee : a. 15 day multiple entry : RMB 175 A.15天内多次入境签证:RMB175 b. 30 day multiple entry : RMB 280 B.30天多次入境签证:RMB280 c. 90 day multiple entry : RMB 700 C.90天多次入境签证:RMB700 d. Children under 10 years, and nationals of SAARC countries are exempt from visa fee. D.10岁以下或SAAPC国家的申请人免签证费。 e. Only RMB in cash will be accepted. Please bring the exact amount. 只能是人民币现金,不设找赎。 f. On-arrival applicants need to pay 25, 40 and 100 US$ for a period of 15, 30 and 90 days, respectively. F.抵达尼泊尔后申请人需要支付25,40和100尼泊尔币,停留期分别是15,30,90天。 Hours of operation : Submit: 10 - 12 AM (Monday to Friday) 周一至周五10:00-12:00可以递交签证申请。 Collect: 14 - 16 PM (On the 3rd working day from the date of submission) 14:00-16:00可以领取护照(在递交签证申请3个工作日之后) 尼泊尔驻中国大使馆 地址:北京市三里屯路西6街1号 电话:+86-10-6532179